Using build hook payload to trigger a different build command on Netlify

Tarek Djebali
Oct 21, 2020


All started by the following tweet:

The starting point

Reading the Twitter conversation, I wondered if it was possible to pass data to the build hook.

Heading to Netlify documentation I found exactly what I need:

Build hooks payload

Great! Now the deploy script will look something like:


if [ "$INCOMING_HOOK_BODY" = "full" ]; then
echo "Full build"
gatsby clean && gatsby build
echo "Simple build"
gatsby build

This means:

curl -X POST -d {}

Will execute

gatsby build


curl -X POST -d 'full'

Will execute

gatsby clean && gatsby build

Code example

You can find, bellow, a full example using Github Actions to schedule the build.

Don’t forget to set up the build script on Netlify!

Build settings

Oh! One last thing!

The best part, for me, is the reply from Jason Lengstorf 😋 😇 😉

